welcome letter
Integrated Medicine : Integrating Science Practice & Research 
 ⋅Date : October 2~4, 2015 
 ⋅Venue St. David's Lecture Theater, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Mission & History

Mission Statement

Trend : To exchange information in each area of alternative medicine, to foster collaboration and to present the way forward for recent research trend. 
Life : To prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases in human beings and eventually to improve the quality of life. 
Vision : To share up-to-date knowledge on advanced Korean Medicine and to propose a new vision for its application
  • To exchange information in each area of alternative medicine, to foster collaboration and to present the way forward for recent research trend
  • To prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases in human beings and eventually to improve the quality of life
  • To share up-to-date knowledge on advanced Korean Medicine and to propose a new vision for its application


The Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute (KPI) successfully hosted symposia on acupuncture research in 2001 and 2003. In 2005, the Organizing Committee announced the official name as the Symposium on Acupuncture and Meridian Studies (SAMS). Since then, the Annual international symposium has been officially hosted by the Korean Pharmacoupuncture Institute (KPI), the Society for Meridians and Acupoints (SMA), and the International Pharmacopuncture Institute (IPI).

In 2011, the SAMS was renamed the iSAMS (International Scientific Acupuncture and Meridian Symposium) to broaden its scope beyond Korea. Since then, the iSAMS has grown year by year and has focused more and more on developing the wisdom of the traditional medicine that has been handed down through the generations. Additionally, the iSAMS has come to be recognized as a premier international conference in the rapidly growing field of pharmacopuncture because of the prominence of its attendees, the quality of the research presented and discussed at the meetings, and its being held on a different continent each year. To date, scholars from more than 20 nations have participated in the annual conferences, and over 200 lectures have been given. The Organizing Committee continues to work tirelessly to balance the strengths of both traditional and modern medicine.
